Saturday, December 10, 2011

Food for thought?!

A gal in a scooty covered head to neck with a scarf, sparing only the eyes  musing "Oh god!! if only there was some mechanism to see the road without my eyes I'd cover  them too".There goes the substitute  the sunglasses ... ask her  why all this .. she replies .."U gotto be kidding ,  the sun's rays  are  so harmful, lot of UV rays . They cause so many allergic  reactions."

        Lol.. I really  wonder  are all these people dumb  or pretend to be so. I am  no dermatologist  but  from the  little  biology   I  have  studied, we  Indians are born dark  skins  with enough melanin and other colour pigments  to protect us from  the much  feared tropical  sun save  a  few unlucky ones.Now owing to the  highly increasing popularity for white skinned damsels, one is lured to use  these so called fairness creams .Adding  one plus  one it boils down to the fact that you voluntarily reduce or probably destroy the inbuilt  melanin given  to you for adaptation to the tropical  climate and then  cover  yourself like mummies claiming you are protecting your skin.

        Ok...  I hear you..  You are saying  what  about the UV rays, there are holes in the ozone layer ?? If exposed they lead to even skin cancer..

    Let me answer this by asking you ..."Dont you really know  that you are causing these holes??"

    Please don't be shocked.. its 5 th standard science.. remember CFC's????
      AAAhhhhh.. bulls eye...  your deo's... every single spray contributes  to the craters up there that you are talking about..Why do you do that??Personal hygiene??Are you telling  me that people used to stink before deo's were invented and started being used?They never  cared about personal grooming?Am  sure that  in most of our houses  our parents  and grandparents  haven't fallen prey to these environmental threats.Do they  stink?? Don't you hug your parents if they  don't  have a deo on?? Then  why all this ado?
   And not to forget the polluted air for which you cover  your nose...May  I  know where on earth is it mentioned that it is salubrious  to breathe the very air you exhaled for a prolonged period of time??
 Food for thought...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Live it up...

You are making your way through the crowd getting down and getting into the train. Before you know it you are making your way out of the train station through the subways, crossing the busy road to catch the bus to your destination. It starts raining and almost as a reflex you bring to life the colourful canopy above your head, breaking into a sprint to the bus stop. Once reached , you heave a sign of relief and more often than not you find yourself exclaiming “ What rains! My god.. such a trouble!!”

But if you just pause for a moment and rewind the entire sequence, you’d find it all rehearsed , like a well practised drama or play that is being executed to perfection. Its almost as though you schedule a antivirus test every morning at 9, it diligently walks through the files and folders in the same order day after day every day. So does that essentially mean you are a scheduled task too??

We have always been so , right from childhood we have been trained to the same things everyday, except on holidays where we do things with a difference but yet again every holiday we almost ended up following pretty much the same schedule. I must agree college might have been a respite for some of us where we set our own rules and hardly followed them either. Still you lived it, you lived your life the way you wanted.

So what’s different now, you are a responsible working graduate why can’t you avoid the time table? You can walk up to your boss and say I want things my way , I will come in at any time and work from any development centre .No doubt, your wishes will be honoured but of course after you are scrapped off the organisation.

Is there nothing you can do about it then? Do you have to live this way? Not really. Walking through the crowd have you wondered where are all these people headed to, what is it that drives them to work day after day? Think about the beggar who sits at the end of the stairs hoping someone will be kind enough to drop a penny. Once you step out , the beautiful drops of rain that bring out the green in the city and a panorama of vibrantly coloured umbrellas.

These rainbow of colours amidst the gray hues of the tall buildings are such a wonderful sight to see, with the cold breeze brushing against your cheeks . You rush to a shelter and folding your umbrella, wiping water off your glasses. In this hustle you failed to notice the beautiful pattern the rain drops had formed on your glasses. Your palms n fingers turn cold with the water that has touched you, your feet feel the chillness , you feel refreshed from within but only if you stopped enough to notice .Just when you start to inhale the smoke filled yet the most exhilarating smell of rain falling on earth, you see the sun peeking from the dark clouds waiting to flash a beaming smile .That’s how nature tells you in her own way that I am there to surprise you every day in a new way.. Just keep looking out for me....Live it up.!